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NX1612SA (for OA / AV / Short-range Wireless)


A small and thin surface-mount type crystal unit.

  • Ideal for Wearable device and Short-range Wireless module.
  • Ultra compact and thin (Typ. 1.6×1.2×0.3mm)
  • Lead-free. Meets the requirements for re-flow profiling using lead-free solder

NX1612SA Picture

  • RoHS compliant
  • Pb Free





Nominal Frequency (MHz) 24 ≤ F ≤ 80 24 ≤ F ≤ 80
Package Size (L×W×H : mm) 1.6×1.2×0.3 1.6×1.2×0.3
Overtone Order Fundamental Fundamental
Frequency Tolerance (25±3°C) ±10×10-6 ±10×10-6
Frequency versus
Temperature Characteristics
(with reference to 25°C)
±15×10-6 ±25×10-6
(Temp extended case,  *1)
Operating Temperature Range (°C) -30 to +85 -40 to +85  *1
Storage Temperature Range (°C) -40 to +85 -40 to +85
Equivalent Series Resistance (Ω) Max. 150 (24 ≤ F < 32MHz)
Max. 100 (32 ≤ F < 38MHz)
Max. 80 (38 ≤ F ≤ 80MHz)
Max. 150 (24 ≤ F < 32MHz)
Max. 100 (32 ≤ F < 38MHz)
Max. 80 (38 ≤ F ≤ 80MHz)
Level of Drive (µW) 10 (Max. 100) 10 (Max. 100)
Load Capacitance (pF) 8 6 to 18
Frequency Aging (+25°C) --- Max. ±3×10-6/year  *1
Specification Number STD-CIS-3 Refer to *2

Please specify the model name, frequency, and specification number when you order products.
For further questions regarding specifications, please feel free to contact us.

*1 If you have any other requests, NDK will study it.
*2 Ordering information: Overtone Order Fundamental / 3rd Overtone, the Operating Temperature Range, Frequency versus Temperature Characteristics, Frequency Tolerance, and Load Capacitance.
  Ex. Model, Frequency (38.400000MHz 6digits),
      S1:Fundamental or S3:3rd Overtone - Operating Temperature Range (-30 to +85°C) - Frequency versus Temperature Characteristics (±12×10-6) - Frequency Tolerance (±12×10-6) - Load Capacitance (7pF)


NX1612SA Dimensions



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