


  • The NDK Group's vision for contributing to the development of a digital society toward 2030 has been set as "Creating the future of a digital society with frequencies," and this vision will be embodied by pursuing three values ​​in a balanced manner: social value, economic value, and human resource value. In order to realize the "social value" that supports digital technology that realizes sustainable prosperity and peace, the Board of Directors has set targets for climate change, including a 46% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 (compared to 2013 levels) and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
  • The Board of Directors regularly receives reports from the Carbon Neutral Committee, which is chaired by Director and Senior Corporate Officer and consists of Director and Senior Corporate Officer, Corporate Officer, etc., on the status of annual GHG emissions and the procurement status of electricity derived from renewable energy sources, discusses these, and oversees the progress of the above targets.
  • The Carbon Neutral Committee is always attended by external experts, and its main responsibilities, based on their advice, include identifying climate change risks and opportunities, understanding the impact on the organization, formulating response plans, calculating GHG emissions, and formulating proposed GHG reduction targets.
  • The results of the committee's activities and the advice of external experts are regularly reported not only to the Board of Directors mentioned above, but also to the Risk Management Committee, which is chaired by the Representative Director and President and is responsible for identifying, evaluating, narrowing down, and monitoring company-wide risks.


  • Risks caused by climate change have been designated as important risks by the Risk Management Committee, which identifies, evaluates, narrows down, and monitors company-wide risks. In addition, information on megatrends and trends related to opportunities caused by climate change is collected by the Corporate Planning Department, and a system is in place to reflect this in strategy formulation.
  • When considering risks and opportunities caused by climate change, we consider short-term to be one year, medium-term to be three years, and long-term to be longer, and assume the following as the main risks and opportunities.
  • Classification Contents Timeline
    Transition Risks Policy/Regulations Risk of rising carbon prices, etc. Increase in operating costs and material costs due to rising carbon prices, etc. Short-term to long-term
    Industry/Market Risk of changing customer behavior Increased costs of responding to decarbonization demands due to changes in customer behavior,
    and sales decline due to non-compliance
    Mid to long term
    Physical Risks Acute Risks associated with more severe extreme weather Decrease in sales due to suspension of production activities and parts procurement caused by weather disasters Short to medium term
    Opportunity Products/Services Opportunities from the development and expansion of low-carbon products and services Increased sales opportunities for environmentally friendly products (compact, lightweight, low power consumption) due to rising carbon prices Mid to long term
    Market Market access opportunities Improve competitiveness by responding to customer demands for decarbonization Mid to long term
  • We are currently conducting scenario analysis on two scenarios announced by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and IEA (International Energy Agency), namely, "The global average temperature rises by 4°C or more" and "The global average temperature rise is limited to less than 2°C as agreed in the Paris Agreement."

Risk Management

  • Climate change risk has been designated as a significant risk from the perspectives of management, strategy, and sustainability among the many risks identified by the Risk Management Committee, which identifies, evaluates, narrows down, and monitors company-wide risks, based on interviews with the President, Executive Officers, and division heads.
  • The Carbon Neutral Committee formulates and discusses countermeasures based on advice from external experts for the major risks (see Strategy section) caused by climate change identified based on reports from the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and GCECA (Global Environmental Adaptation Centre), etc., and presents them to the Risk Management Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors according to their importance.
  • The Representative Director and President decides on the response to issues submitted to the Risk Management Committee and the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors decides on the response to more significant issues, and the status of risk response is monitored in the regular reports mentioned above.

Indicators and targets

  • Trends in GHG emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3 are disclosed on the following website. The calculation method and emission coefficients are in accordance with the Ministry of the Environment's Scope 3 guidelines, the IDEA (Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis) database, and the GHG Protocol.


  • In order to contribute to efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C, we are preparing to apply for SBT certification, and we aim to have 100% of the electricity consumed at our group's production sites derived from renewable energy by fiscal 2025.

Organization of Climate Change Risk Management

Organization of Climate Change Risk Management