NDK group abides by the Labor, Safety and Health related laws and ordinances, and aims for creating a working environment where employees are able to work with a healthy and safe state of mind and body, while fully performing on their ability, and strives for its continuous improvement, so that we could fulfill the NDK's philosophy, which is "Contributing to the prosperity of society and world peace through our service to customers" or the Management Philosophy which are "NDK is developing a fearless workforce that will overcome difficulties", "NDK is enhancing each individual's character through work", and "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
(1)Child Labor
NDK group prohibits child labor, so that we could realize our Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
(2)Forced Labor
NDK group is sincerely working on the prohibition of forced labor, so that we could realize our Management Philosophy which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
(3)Health and Safety
NDK is taking several measures, such as, abiding by the safety and health related laws and ordinances and its company's regulations based on such laws, education on safety and health, safety inspection, and conducting the earthquakes disaster countermeasures training, in order to ensure that employees are able to work healthily and safely, so that we could realize our Management Philosophy which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
And also, the company organizes regular health checkups and carries out health counseling by the affiliated hospital doctor, mental health checkups, etc, to ensure that employees are able to fully perform on their ability in their workplace while maintaining their mental and physical health. Furthermore, the company also takes preventive measures against infectious diseases in the workplace by recommending hand and mouth wash, installing antiseptic solution, distributing face masks, etc.
(4)Freedom of Association and Group Activities
The Labor Union which consists of all full-time employees, except for the managerial class, as a principle, and the Labor-Management Council which meets monthly are exchanging opinions proactively, so that we could realize our Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees". Besides, we communicate closely in the "Labor and Management Gathering", "NDK Festival", "Clean Activities", etc.
(5)Abolition of Discrimination
At NDK group, we respect the diversity and individuality of employees, and promote the employment and treatment of talents emphasizing on humanity and capability, so that we could fulfill our Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
(6)Abolition of Physical Punishment, etc.
NDK group is taking serious measures to prohibit verbal abuse, physical punishment, sexual harassment, mental and physical compulsion, etc, so that we could fulfill our Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
(7)Labor Time Management
NDK abides by the related laws and ordinances, such as, the Labor Standards Law in regard to the working hours, break time, rest days, annual paid leaves, etc, so that we could fulfill our Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
And also, the company is managing the working hours and has taken into consideration the employees' mental and physical wellbeing by having an office inspection after office hour and setting three long vacation periods yearly (roughly of one week each).
(8)Compensation to Meet the Basic Needs
At NDK, we abide by the related laws and ordinances in regard to compensation, so that we could fulfill the Management Philosophy, which is "NDK respects each individual and is improving the life of each of its employees".
And, we are also promoting personnel treatments that can be used to motivate them, such as "to fully accomplish my role expected of by others" and "to further improve myself so that I could meet the role of a higher level", so that we could realize our Management Philosophy, which are "NDK is developing a fearless workforce that will overcome difficulties" and "NDK is enhancing each individual's character through work".