Financial Highlight (IFRS)

Net Sales

Operating Income / Net Income

Total assets / Total equity / Equity ratio

Interest-bearing liabilities

Net Income / Depreciation / Capital Expenditures

R&D expenses


 Disclosure of this data is not required by law or the rules or regulations of any stock exchange. Although we have tried to ensure the accuracy of the information in this data, we can provide no assurance, nor do we warrant or guarantee, that the information contained in this data is accurate or complete. While some of the financial information contained in this data is derived from our audited financial statements, the information in this data includes unaudited figures.

 Financial statements and financial data included in this data were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. This data contains certain additional information that is more detailed than the financial information reported in our Consolidated Financial Statements or covers a longer period than our Consolidated Financial Statements. The retroactive adjustment mentioned above to reflect the new accounting standards or revised International Financial Reporting Standards standards has not been applied to all information contained in this data.

 Certain items for prior years' financial statements have been reclassified.
