Environmental Report

Environmental Report

This report is published to facilitate understanding of the Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. through disclosure of its approach toward the environment and its environmental conservation activities. It also serves as an important communication tool for the NDK.

Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Environmental Report FY2024

Main contents

1.Basic Matters

  1. (1)Greeting
  2. (2)Scope
  3. (3)Environmental Philosophy and Policies
  4. (4)Environmental Policies
  5. (5)History of Environmental Preservation
  6. (6)Environmental Management System
  7. (7)Environmental Management System Certification
  8. (8)Environmental Education

2.Environmental Performance

  1. (1)Outline of Environmental Friendly Management
  2. (2)KPI Results
  3. (3)Prevention of Air and Water Pollution
  4. (4)Measurement Data
  5. (5)Environmental Tasks and Our Response (Summary)

3.Material Balance

4.Environmental Conservation Activities

  1. (1)Waste Separation
  2. (2)Saving electricity
  3. (3)Local Cleanup
  4. (4)Biodiversity Preservation (Tree Planting)
  5. (5)Green Procurement
  6. (6)Reuse activities based on the Plastic Resource Circulation Act

5.Environmental Compliance

  1. (1)Major Environmental Laws and Regulations
  2. (2)Wastewater Management