Environmental Philosophy and Policies

Environmental Philosophy and Policies

1.Environmental Philosophy

NDK, as globally operating corporation, aware the importance of environmental substance reduction activity and recycling-oriented society, in the light of our corporate philosophy [NDK is to work on the environment preservation and meet social responsibility]. We, with our will and responsibility, deploy proactive continual environment preserving activies and we pass this precious earth to future generations.

2.Environmental Policies

  1. Preserving the global environment is one of the major management issues at NDK. We will carefully analyze and assess the environmental impact of all products and business processes, from product development through design, manufacture, and sale as well as continually improve measures to prevent environmental pollution.
  2. We will observe all relevant environmental regulations and stipulations strictly and maintain and improve environmental management system. Also we will continuously monitor and try to improve it and periodically review it.
  3. We will establish our own standards in the areas of our operations with significant environmental impact. These standards will be based on the present-day realities of technology and economics. We will also review, when necessary, our environmental objectives and targets concerning these activities and progressively improve the management of such activities.
  4. We will conduct environmental issue training so that all employees understand our Environmental Policy also they can initiate voluntary continuous environment preserving activities.
  5. We will make our Environmental Philosophy and Policies readily available to the public and enlightment activities.

Revised April 1, 2019
Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Hiromi Katoh
Representative Director and President

Environmental Philosophy and Policies according to Plant
Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Furukawa NDK Co., Ltd.
Hakodate NDK Co., Ltd.
Asian NDK Crystal Sdn. Bhd. [ANC]
NDK Quartz Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. [NQM]
Suzhou NDK Co., Ltd.