Enviromental Performances

Environmental Performance

Action for Prevention of Global Warming

At NDK, we have created a midterm plan including concrete reduction target to reduce CO2 emission which is the one of the cause of global warming, and promoting it. We are also promoting energy saving activities through such as reduction of energy maintenance loss (complete elimination of waste), reduction of specific energy consumption loss, technology improvement for equipment.

CO2 emission and intensity

Action for Prevention of Global Warming



Aiming at reduction of total CO2 emission amount, following actions are taken. Clarification and control of energy used amount (includes CO2 /pure water/tap water) per each department, high efficiency machine introduction (replacement of big ventilation chiller unit to energy saving type), promotion of fuel conversion, utilization of natural energy (solar energy generation), efficient use of energy, enhancement of products energy consumption efficiency, product minimization and shift to LED illumination.

Waste Reduction

A wide variety of waste is generated through business activities. To reduce waste which is to be disposed finally, NDK sorts and recycles waste from a perspective of efficient utilization of limited resources and reduction of environmental burden.

Waste emission and recycle rate

Waste Reduction



Waste emission had been on increase along with production amount growth, however, Recycle activities have been gone further since FY 2009 and zero emission (100% recycled) has been kept achieving after that.

Management of Chemical Substances

At NDK, based on PRTR law(*), we work on the reduction of hazardous substances (class 1 designated chemical substance) emission (to air, water and soil) in addition to monitoring for handling amount, emission and moving amount of objective chemicals, and report to government. (*) Law concerning Pollutant Release and Transfer Register.

Use amount/ moving amount of hydrogen fluoride and its use intensity

Management of Chemical Substances



At present the object of PRTR law at NDK is only "hydrogen fluoride and its water-soluble salt". Along with the effort to reduce its handling amount through operation process improvement and defect reduction, it's transformed to sludge by effluent treatment to reduce the moving amount to sewage. The emission to local water (river Iruma) has become 0 and has shifted to sewage since FY 2009.

Prevention of Air and Water Pollution

Regarding water pollution prevention, we have set waste/effluent treatment facilities in order to comply with the emission standard of laws and legislations. Aiming at the establishment of recycling society system, positive activities are promoted. Also at NDK there is no facility applicable for air pollution control law.

Prevention of Air and Water Pollution
Prevention of Air and Water Pollution