Environmental Policies of Suzhou NDK Co., Ltd.

Environmental Policies of Suzhou NDK Co., Ltd.

Suzhou NDK Co., Ltd., based on the NDK Group's Environmental Philosophy and Policies, enacts and implements the following environmental policies.

  1. Preserving the global environment is one of the major management issues at Suzhou NDK Co., Ltd. We will carefully analyze and assess the environmental impact of all plant processes, and manufacture and sale of all products; crystal units, crystal oscillator, optical crystal and crystal blank, and continually improves measures to prevent environmental pollution and to promote pro-environmental activities.
  2. We will observe all relevant environmental regulations and agreements strictly and maintain and improve environmental management systems. We will endeavor to make continual progress in the results of our environmental activities and review and improve the performance of environmental management systems.
  3. We will establish our own standards-as listed below-in the areas of our operations with significant environmental impact. These standards will be based on the present-day realities of technology and economics. We will also review, when necessary, our environmental objectives and targets concerning these activities and progressively improve the management of such activities.
    1. Promoting the three R's: Reduction, Reuse and Recycling of waste. Its aim is to maintain zero emissions.
    2. Proper control substances of environmental impact and reduction of usage.
    3. Reduction of CO2 emission volumes and other green-house gasses.
    4. Promoting energy-saving, resource-saving.
    5. Developing products and manufacturing process that place a minimal burden on the environment.
    6. Promoting green purchasing, green procurement.
    7. Promoting biodiversity preservation activities.
  4. We will conduct environmental issue training so that all employees understand our Environmental Policy also they can initiate voluntary continuous environment preserving activities.
  5. We will make our Environmental Policies readily available to the public.

Revised July 12, 2010
Suzhou NDK Co., LTD.
Shunichi Matsuda
Managing Director
