Environmental management system

Environmental Management System

At NDK, we are aware that environmental conservation is of vital importance to the management of any corporation. This awareness has guided our hand in abolishing the use of ozone-depleting substances, as well as the promotion of energy conservation, reduced resource consumption and the other conservation activities we have actively pursued to reduce the impact of NDK's operations on the natural environment.

Positive Enviromental Management

Environmental Management Organization

NDK promotes the reduction of effects on the environment and energy saving and the reduction of wastes by establishing Environmental Management Organization to show our attitudes towards preservation of the global environment as the figure shows.

NDK`s Environmental Management Organization

Obtainment of ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 is an international standard of environmental management systems. Such systems are essential to mitigating or offsetting the impact on and risks posed to the environment by an organization's activities, products and services. NDK has acquired ISO 14001 certification for its production sites in Japan and overseas. This exemplifies the way in which we as a group are driving environmental management forward.

ISO 14001認証登録状況


Certified Plant Type of Certification Initial Certification Date Certificate of accreditation Appearance
NDK Sayama Plant ISO14001 Dec. 24, 1999

JIS 14001:2015

Furukawa NDK ISO14001 Jun. 23, 2003

JIS 14001:2015

Hakodate NDK ISO14001 Jun. 16, 2000

JIS 14001:2015


Certified Plant Type of Certification Initial Certification Date Certificate of accreditation Appearance
ANC/NQM(MALAYSIA) ISO14001 Dec. 15, 2000

ISO 14001:2015


Certified Plant Type of Certification Initial Certification Date Certificate of accreditation Appearance
Suzhou NDK(CHINA) ISO14001 Sep. 8, 2000

ISO 14001:2015


Area Certified Plant Type of Certification Certification Date Notes
Japan NDK Head Office ISO 14001:2004 Dec. 26, 2008 Unification of Registration Scope of Head Office & Sayama Plant as NDK at Dec. 3, 2010
NDK Sayama Plant ISO 14001:2004 Dec. 24, 2005
ISO 14001:1996 Dec. 24, 1999

Goals and performance results

NDK promotes global warming prevention in each office and each products by defining specific goals and limits. Following figure shows recent results. More detailed information is reported in the "Environmental performance" page and "Environmental Report".

Recently, it is more significant to address with global warming , waste reduction, reduction of environmental burdens as a global company. In order to deal with that, NDK has created a midterm plan with concrete tasks and targets to reduce those in the long run.

Category Activity 2018 2019 2020
Goals Results Goals Results Goals
Prevention of Global Warming (Energy-saving) Reduction of CO2 emissions 13% 22.7% 13% 25.7% 13%
Resource circulation Zero Emission (Improving recycling rate) Achieved "Zero Emission" 100% Achieved "Zero Emission" 100% Achieved "Zero Emission"
Management of substances of concern The amount of used Fluorine and its compounds - 9.9ton - 8.4ton -
Wastes Includes Sludge grinded by lumber - 454ton - 483ton -

Education ・Enlightenment

Environmental education under the corporate philosophy "NDK takes its part in protecting the environment and is fulfilling its social responsibilities" we are working to enhance environmental awareness of each employee

Item Method Target
General knowledge on environment Environmental education(AB) All employee
Environmental policies and environmental relating rules Environmental education(AB) All employee
Expert knowledge on environment Education and session for fostering environmental experts Environment conservation promoter
Internal environmental audit method Education and session for internal audit commissioners internal auditor
Knowledge on environmental laws and regulations Education for environmental laws/regulations and legal qualifications Those who engage in legal operations
Knowledge on specified operations Education for specified operations and handler session Chemical handler