Inquiry for Investor Relations

Name Required
First Name Last Name
Company Name Required

If you are an individual, please type Individual.

Department Required

If you are an individual, please type Individual.

Email Required
Email Address (Reconfirm Email) Required

Re-enter Email Address

Province / State
Country Required
Phone Number
Inquiry Details Required
Privacy Policy Required

We shall be responsible for protecting the information you share with us ("Personal Information"). We shall use the Personal Information only for the purpose of replying to you. Your Personal Information shall not be disclosed to any third party (excluding the division in charge of the company assigned to perform work of our company), and shall not be used for any other purpose. We shall reply to you for the purpose of replying to your questions so, do not use a part of or whole reply for any other purpose. For the further details about our handling of Personal Information, please refer to Privacy Statement.

Agree to "handling of personal information".
